Tuesday 18 August 2015

Getting Started!

Hi my name is Daniel-Jarrod Potter and this is my first ever post on here and i would like to say i am enjoying this course a lot! i mean there are some places that need improvements but i am learning a lot! The pace is a bit fast but as long as i am passing my assessments and learning things i can deal with it :)

So far we have learnt stuff like Animating in Adobe Flash, Drawing skills, Adobe After Effects and a lot more! I know things about framing in Flash and other stuff like timing and spacing, also shape and motion tweening. I could go on for ages on what we have learnt but this would end up being a very a very long post so to sum it up this course is awesome, i am learning heaps, and i cant wait to graduate after 5 years with the skills of 2D, 3D, and CGI Animation!

Hopefully after this course i can do what i love by making people happy and entertaining the world by expressing my creative imagination and telling stories never before seen!

This week so far we are inbetweening a tv character animation, drawing our own characters we made based off a fairy tale and genre we chose doing different motions such as catching, throwing, lifting, falling, sneaking and double taking. But its only Wednesday so that is what we are doing so far in this week.

Keep you updated.
