Wednesday 28 October 2015

Term 1 Hand Point.

Back in term 1 we were asked to inbetween a hand point but we had to be creative with it so i did this for a laugh and O BOY did i get a reaction from it haha here it is. The abomination!

Term 1 Whistle Clean Up.

Here is a whistle that i did in term 1 for an intro to clean up. Finally managed to colour it and etc so here it is :)

Monday 26 October 2015

Term 1 Walk Cycle Before and After.

During Term 1 of this course at Animation College. We were asked to do a walk cycle with shape tweening. I found it very difficult when i did it because for some reason it kept shifting in the middle of the animation (i still passed it but it bothered me a lot in the back of my mind) During the weekend that passed after doing a walk cycle from scratch, it made me understand the construction of a walk cycle a lot more so took a look back at the animation and instantly found the errors i made in the construction and as soon as i fixed it worked out :) here is a before and after.

 tried to get the gifs to play at the same time...didn't work out hahaha


Thursday 22 October 2015

Walk Cycle Animation: Final.

Here is a cleaned up and semi coloured animation of my walk cycle! You can probably tell i went for my first and main idea haha but this time it actually worked out really well! The mustache was a little bonus to give the character more life in a little way i think without to much detail :)

Walk Cycle Animation: Mind Map and Thumbnails.

For the walk cycle animation it was quite hard for me to come up with 5 different ideas. I don't know why but when it comes to planning i struggle a little, so when i have an idea i just want to go for it instead of coming up with other ideas but i am going to train myself to have different ideas because i feel it will be for the better when it comes to future projects and/or employment. For example the last animation i did with the FX was not my main idea it was a random thing i threw together just so i had 5 ideas for the assignment and it turns out i ended up going with that one and it turned out great and i love it! Anyway here is the Mind Map and Thumbnails for my Walk Cycle.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

When you're not aloud to swear around kids.

I got home the other day from course and it was late and i got this random idea that popped into my head where i remember i time when i visited my little cousins i couldn't swear around them and one day i swore then i swore because i swore and so on. I am pretty sure you get it haha but anyway here is a simple little comic i made about it :)

Sunday 18 October 2015


Forgot to post this ages ago when i did it. We were asked to do a squash and stretch tv animation and here is my completed inbetweens :)

Special Effects Assessment: FINISHED!

After a lot of tedious inbetweens and stuff with after effects i have finished my special effects animation and i am so happy with the result! HERE IT IS

Monday 12 October 2015

Special Effects Assessment: Mind Map & Thumbnails.

Here is the Thumbnail sketches and Mind Map i drew up for the Special Effects Assessment we are doing at the moment. I am going with number 4 to start with but i may change depending if the animation works out or not :)

Thursday 8 October 2015

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Jumping Animation: Thumbnails.

Here are the thumbnails i cam up with for the assignment and i have chosen to go with the Spider-man idea! I will now draw up some keys for my fellow class mate to in between.

Monday 5 October 2015

Jumping Animation: Mind Map.

This is a mind map showing the ideas i have for a jump animation. The ideas vary from different superheros such as The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Spider-man and Batman.