Tuesday 13 September 2016

Me and my brothers worms.

I have recently played worms with my younger brother and have decided to draw me and him as our characters in the game for the thumbnail of the YouTube video :) here are the stages

Sunday 4 September 2016

Poses and Character rework.

A while ago we were asked to make a character then submit it. Then we were given other peoples characters, sorted into groups regarding our weaknesses and then were told to do something with that character connected to our weaknesses. Examples including some were in a team that focuses on colour and poses and etc... i was in the pose group and this is the character i got and this is the pose i did.

 And i also got asked to do some detail and put him into my own style and that is below :)

Saturday 2 July 2016

Bouncing TV.

This is an old unfinished animation that got given to me the first year of Animation College to add my own in-betweens to finish the animation and actually make it move properly and smoothly. Fast forward to now and i decided to go back to it and clean it up and colour it and "finish it" not including the rough animation last year and the photo editing for the background this took 7hrs and 30mins just for the clean up and colour and its only 2 SECONDS! I was aiming for an Amazing World of Gum Ball feel to it as a mini tv inside a giant live action world! so i hope that comes across in the animation :) I'm sure you can imagine a greater and more professional animation would take a lot longer. So i hope you enjoyed it!

Shout out to Dane!

Link to speed drawing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKx7zF6I2-w



Saturday 11 June 2016

2D Style Project: Yu-Gi-Oh.

This was made due to a project at Animation College and what i had to do was pick a 2D style of my choice and make my own animation of it and make a character so it looks straight out of an episode of the tv show Yu-Gi-Oh and here is the final result!
(FUNFACT) the character is based off what i wanted to look like if i was in the show when i was a kid :P
If anything the challenge of this animation was the colour and shading. It was time consuming and a little frustrating but super fun as well. The rainbow effect on the duel disc was a hassle as well but still love it and its my favourite animation and project i have done so far!

For the original sound and music the video is on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMh9ug_z4wo

Sunday 15 May 2016

Lucatiel x Shadow FINISHED.

Here are the thumbnails finished and even my cover photo i made :P

Lucatiel x Shadow.

I made an episode of Dark Souls II on my YouTube channel where i talk about this beautiful female character and when it came to making the thumbnail i really felt like drawing her so what i did was film me drawing the thumbnail as a speed drawing video that i will use in a Shadow Shunday. Let's just say i am so happy with it, i thought id make it the thumbnail for 2 videos and my Facebook cover photo and even share it here! Hope you like it!
Link to speed drawing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRTrQsZlm40

Sunday 3 April 2016


A while ago we were given a video of Shia Labeouf and Jean Claude Van Damme and was told to go wild with it as long as we use some of the stuff they taught us :) and here is a gif of some of mine. It is a bit too long for this blog so i will put it up on my Shadows Productions Channel.
Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSDlq2XQy0Q

My Duo.

This is one view of my duo characters we had to create at course. We have Skia and Tigru :) They are in a brothers in arms relationship. They have known each other for so long they look at each other as brothers. They tease each other but when it comes to others they will defend one another. They are both mercenaries that are hired by both good and evil to do tasks for gold. They live in a medieval type of time and their main hangouts is the local tavern. Tigru: is the brute force, loves to drink, joke around, and protect his "little brother" Skia. Skia: is the smart one of the duo who goes in stealthy on an operation and will call in for Tigru as the force if everything goes wrong. But Skia knows how to handle himself as well, he doesn't drink at all but when they are at a tavern he sits there and writes or draws. Not that Tigru needs it but if he ever needs help Skia will always try to protect him.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

What i am loving.

I think i have came to a conclusion...(well so far studying animation) i have realised what i am loving the most.

Clean up and colouring animation (whether its mine or someone else's).
A bit of special effects in animation.
A bit of rotoscoping (animating over live action footage FYI).
A bit of Illustration (involving comics, posters, thumbnails, manga, etc...but not to big on the painting side of it).
A bit of storyboarding.

And as much as i am not a fan of being in charge i love coming up with the animation ideas haha...A director some would say. It sounds silly but i just have so many ideas to make but no time or skill to do them so i wish i could have a studio of animations and etc.. and bring my ideas and imagination to life! With input from animators as well because why not :).

Thought i would share this because it is a blog and tutors advise us to talk about this kind of stuff and show our work and that is what i am doing :) sharing with you what i love most with all this so far.
And i am not going to lie...I love the other aspects of animation but when its something super complex and above my so called "skill level" its not that appealing to me.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Life of Sin by MitiS.

I love this artist MitiS who has made 5 parts to a song called Life of Sin and i got this awesome idea to make an audio reaction in After Effects (note this is my first time trying it) and i am so happy with the results! Also note this is not the full version obviously haha plus it is a gif so no audio BUT here is the link for the full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMx9D4VN2B0

Having fun with After Effects.

I have been using After Effects a lot lately for study, personal projects and YouTube stuff and here is some gifs of examples :)

Friday 26 February 2016

Animated GIF.

Second year has started and we have been introduced to a new system plus having to do like 3 things at once lol maybe more in the future i don't know but once of them is we were told to do an animated gif and this is my first one i made (note we had to be a little creative) Plus there were limitations so this is what i did :)

Friday 12 February 2016

Rotoscoping me attempt.

I was bored and decided to film me and rotoscope my full body really roughly and here is the end result and i am very happy with it! It is so mesmerizing in my opinion and it is meant to be rough and just outlining certain parts. This was so tedious!

Monday 8 February 2016


Here is the final image of me and Sean as well as the thumbnail i will be using for the video on YouTube :D (Note i did not draw the logo, it was a png image of the real logo from google).

Sean in Fable 3!

Here is the planning of my flatmate Sean as a Fable 3 character!

Fable 3 Thumbnail!

Here is another Let's Try thumbnail with Sean my flatmate and it is the final thumbnail for now until we make more episodes. So here is the planning for my character :) Ps. This thumbnail was a pain...

Sunday 7 February 2016

FINAL and FINAL THUMBNAIL for the Worms Special Edition Video!

Here is the final thumbnail of me and Seans worm character for the video Let's Try-Worms Special Edition w/ Sean. (Note i did not draw the logo, it was a png image of the real logo from google).

Seans Worm.

Here is the development of my flatmates worm for the Worms Special Edition Thumbnail :)

Worms Special Edition Thumbnail.

I am currently in the process of making another thumbnail in photoshop for another YouTube video i did with my flatmate Sean :) Here is my character process.

Monday 25 January 2016

Rotoscope FINAL.

Here is the final stages of the rotoscope idea i chose. Based off Dark Souls! Footage, Rough Lines, Final, FINAL Composite, FINAL Dark Souls.

Rotoscope Planning.

We got given a bunch of footage of a tutor doing certain things and we had to choose one to rotoscope. I chose a few different ideas and here is the mind map and thumbnails for this assignment.