Sunday 3 April 2016

My Duo.

This is one view of my duo characters we had to create at course. We have Skia and Tigru :) They are in a brothers in arms relationship. They have known each other for so long they look at each other as brothers. They tease each other but when it comes to others they will defend one another. They are both mercenaries that are hired by both good and evil to do tasks for gold. They live in a medieval type of time and their main hangouts is the local tavern. Tigru: is the brute force, loves to drink, joke around, and protect his "little brother" Skia. Skia: is the smart one of the duo who goes in stealthy on an operation and will call in for Tigru as the force if everything goes wrong. But Skia knows how to handle himself as well, he doesn't drink at all but when they are at a tavern he sits there and writes or draws. Not that Tigru needs it but if he ever needs help Skia will always try to protect him.

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