Wednesday 9 December 2015

Outro Animation

I was sitting at home bored one day and felt like animating so i grabbed my outro pic for my main YouTube channel and replace the glowing green eyes that were a still frame pic and turned it into an animated blink. It is a minor change to the outro pic but i like it :) here is the before and after.

Games With Gold Title

I really wanted to make a title for one of my YouTube series on my main channel and i have never attempted the kind of 16 bit or 8 bit style so what i did was grab a sprite sheet from a style i really like (Scott Pilgram vs. The World) and started to use it as a reference and practice. After a while i redefined the character and added my own touches, then i drew up a create and also a metal box, then the gold disc by getting reference from a spinning coin and did the text from a font from 1001 free fonts and here is the end result after compositing :)

Monday 16 November 2015

Hybrid Creature.

This is my process design for my Hybrid Creature. This shows from a really terrible start to an awesome finish in my opinion i am so proud of this :D
 Mind Map.
 Really bad sketches haha!
 Basic Roughs.
 Line Work.
 The bones of the beast!

Elemental Creature.

This is the process design of my Elemental Creature. It is a half lion, half wolf and the lion is fire and the wolf is ice. So this is a real interesting choice of negative matches to make a mystical protector and guardian. Plus i was going through this oriental phase lately haha!
Here is planning to finish :)
 Final choice of ideas.
 Made some adjustments and colour.
 Front view with colour.
 Line work of final illustration.


Wednesday 11 November 2015

SFX Practice.

This is a bunch of different special effects we were asked to animate. Film of smoke, Water Ripples, Dust Cloud, Campfire, and a Thunder Storm. Out of all these i found the storm to be the easiest one. Tips for making this would be: Digitally: (do rain on twos) Draw out a bunch of straight lines holding the shift key (be warned some lines slightly curve) draw them all across the canvas, press F6, then Q, Select all the lines (making sure you have onion skins on) hold Shift, Drag them down slightly while also adding more lines above the ones you dragged down to keep it consistent. Repeat this a few times till it cycles. If you want the rain to go diagonally then just click Edit All Frames, draw the bar over all your frames, press Q and select all your frames, hover the mouse over the edge line of the box at the top till u see two horizontal arrows, click and drag left to right to screw your rain making it come from a diagonal angle (you may need to re position your rain so it fits the whole canvas.)
(do lightning on ones) Now draw a thin lightning bolt on an angle, press F7, turn on onion skin, add a slightly bigger bolt with more forks, F7 again and start to dissipate the bolt and add a little more forks to the ends, keep adding dissipation till  the bolt is gone. For more effect for the first bolt make the rain and bolt black and the background white, then the rain the colour you had it before as well as the bolt on the next frame then back to black it white and repeat till its back to normal and the lightning is gone. Example below.

Monday 9 November 2015

Comic Final.

Here is the final colour comic i am so happy with how this turned out!

Comic Inking.

Here is the inked version of my comic before colour :)

Comic Script.

Here is the script for my comic idea.

2 skeletons sitting at a bar on bar stools having beer telling each other bad jokes. First shot: a wide shot from behind
the skeletons as 1. says "Hey wana hear a joke?" 2. says "sure" shows the joke being played out as monsters are playing follow the
leader but eating each other. 1. says "What do monsters play at parties?" 2. says "what?" 1. says "swallow the leader!" side shot
of 2. with his hand on his head sighing with disappointment. 1. leans into the side shot and says "Hey i've got another one" shows a
shot of a digital clock talking to the analogue clock saying 1. "What did the digital clock say to the analogue clock?" 2. *sigh*
"what?" 1. "Look ma no hands!" side shot of 1. laughing and 2. leaving.

Comic Planning.

This is the planning stage to my comic assignment.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

SFX Practice: Storm

This one wasn't too hard probably one of the easiest once explained. But flash did complicate things here and there though.

SFX Practice: Film of Smoke.

This one i struggled with at first but figured out a way to make it easier for myself and managed to finish it :)

Monday 2 November 2015

Intro to dialogue: Mind Map and Thumbnails.

Here is my mind map and thumbnail sketches for the intro to dialogue assignment. I am going with idea 2. I will be attempting it in a 3 quarter view which i find will be very challenging for me but hopefully with some reference photos i should be ok. I do want to do number 3. But i feel it doesn't meet the requirements for this assignment.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Term 1 Hand Point.

Back in term 1 we were asked to inbetween a hand point but we had to be creative with it so i did this for a laugh and O BOY did i get a reaction from it haha here it is. The abomination!

Term 1 Whistle Clean Up.

Here is a whistle that i did in term 1 for an intro to clean up. Finally managed to colour it and etc so here it is :)

Monday 26 October 2015

Term 1 Walk Cycle Before and After.

During Term 1 of this course at Animation College. We were asked to do a walk cycle with shape tweening. I found it very difficult when i did it because for some reason it kept shifting in the middle of the animation (i still passed it but it bothered me a lot in the back of my mind) During the weekend that passed after doing a walk cycle from scratch, it made me understand the construction of a walk cycle a lot more so took a look back at the animation and instantly found the errors i made in the construction and as soon as i fixed it worked out :) here is a before and after.

 tried to get the gifs to play at the same time...didn't work out hahaha


Thursday 22 October 2015

Walk Cycle Animation: Final.

Here is a cleaned up and semi coloured animation of my walk cycle! You can probably tell i went for my first and main idea haha but this time it actually worked out really well! The mustache was a little bonus to give the character more life in a little way i think without to much detail :)

Walk Cycle Animation: Mind Map and Thumbnails.

For the walk cycle animation it was quite hard for me to come up with 5 different ideas. I don't know why but when it comes to planning i struggle a little, so when i have an idea i just want to go for it instead of coming up with other ideas but i am going to train myself to have different ideas because i feel it will be for the better when it comes to future projects and/or employment. For example the last animation i did with the FX was not my main idea it was a random thing i threw together just so i had 5 ideas for the assignment and it turns out i ended up going with that one and it turned out great and i love it! Anyway here is the Mind Map and Thumbnails for my Walk Cycle.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

When you're not aloud to swear around kids.

I got home the other day from course and it was late and i got this random idea that popped into my head where i remember i time when i visited my little cousins i couldn't swear around them and one day i swore then i swore because i swore and so on. I am pretty sure you get it haha but anyway here is a simple little comic i made about it :)

Sunday 18 October 2015


Forgot to post this ages ago when i did it. We were asked to do a squash and stretch tv animation and here is my completed inbetweens :)

Special Effects Assessment: FINISHED!

After a lot of tedious inbetweens and stuff with after effects i have finished my special effects animation and i am so happy with the result! HERE IT IS

Monday 12 October 2015

Special Effects Assessment: Mind Map & Thumbnails.

Here is the Thumbnail sketches and Mind Map i drew up for the Special Effects Assessment we are doing at the moment. I am going with number 4 to start with but i may change depending if the animation works out or not :)

Thursday 8 October 2015

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Jumping Animation: Thumbnails.

Here are the thumbnails i cam up with for the assignment and i have chosen to go with the Spider-man idea! I will now draw up some keys for my fellow class mate to in between.

Monday 5 October 2015

Jumping Animation: Mind Map.

This is a mind map showing the ideas i have for a jump animation. The ideas vary from different superheros such as The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Spider-man and Batman.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Weight Lift Animation.

This has so far been quite challenging due to the design of my character. But challenging is good because it improves me for the better. Here is a look at some very basic and rough sketches of thumbnail ideas for my animation, and a mind map that i did prior to the sketches. Now it is onto keys. Wish me luck :)

Thursday 17 September 2015

Flour Sack Preview.

I have done more to the animation adding more frames and colour to the roughs for the gun. I have also added frames showing recoil when he fires the portal gun both times and to add to the feel of a heavy flour sack every time he lands on the box it makes the ground shake causing the portal gun to bounce off the ground. The GIF below is showing what i have done so far :) I will be doing more work on this as i go in my own time.

Monday 14 September 2015

Flour Sack.

This time we are doing a Flour Sack Animation and what we are doing with this is animating a flour sack character of course and we get to animate it in anyway we like as long as it gets from A to B which is from the floor to on top of a box. The idea i have came up with is a Portal design inspired by my friend Angel he pitched the topic but i came up with the thumbnail sketches below and we had to do 5 and i made 4 different ones and the 5th was ideas from all 4 that i threw together into one final sequence that i like grabbing certain thumbnails from the other sequences. Also below is a Mind Map of the ideas me and some others had.