Wednesday 11 November 2015

SFX Practice.

This is a bunch of different special effects we were asked to animate. Film of smoke, Water Ripples, Dust Cloud, Campfire, and a Thunder Storm. Out of all these i found the storm to be the easiest one. Tips for making this would be: Digitally: (do rain on twos) Draw out a bunch of straight lines holding the shift key (be warned some lines slightly curve) draw them all across the canvas, press F6, then Q, Select all the lines (making sure you have onion skins on) hold Shift, Drag them down slightly while also adding more lines above the ones you dragged down to keep it consistent. Repeat this a few times till it cycles. If you want the rain to go diagonally then just click Edit All Frames, draw the bar over all your frames, press Q and select all your frames, hover the mouse over the edge line of the box at the top till u see two horizontal arrows, click and drag left to right to screw your rain making it come from a diagonal angle (you may need to re position your rain so it fits the whole canvas.)
(do lightning on ones) Now draw a thin lightning bolt on an angle, press F7, turn on onion skin, add a slightly bigger bolt with more forks, F7 again and start to dissipate the bolt and add a little more forks to the ends, keep adding dissipation till  the bolt is gone. For more effect for the first bolt make the rain and bolt black and the background white, then the rain the colour you had it before as well as the bolt on the next frame then back to black it white and repeat till its back to normal and the lightning is gone. Example below.

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