Monday 9 November 2015

Comic Script.

Here is the script for my comic idea.

2 skeletons sitting at a bar on bar stools having beer telling each other bad jokes. First shot: a wide shot from behind
the skeletons as 1. says "Hey wana hear a joke?" 2. says "sure" shows the joke being played out as monsters are playing follow the
leader but eating each other. 1. says "What do monsters play at parties?" 2. says "what?" 1. says "swallow the leader!" side shot
of 2. with his hand on his head sighing with disappointment. 1. leans into the side shot and says "Hey i've got another one" shows a
shot of a digital clock talking to the analogue clock saying 1. "What did the digital clock say to the analogue clock?" 2. *sigh*
"what?" 1. "Look ma no hands!" side shot of 1. laughing and 2. leaving.

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